User: venom4u31

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User profile: venom4u31

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User name:venom4u31
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

bit operations error
Oh, sorry, i didn't knew... Thanks for the info.

bit operations error
I'm having the following error at the following line: [code]if( ( (res >> i*8) ^ cmp[i] ) != 0x00)[...

I'm receiving sigtrap when I'm trying to reallocate a custom array.
Yes, you're right. The else branch of (!aux || !ax) does that (it also raises the current number of ...

I'm receiving sigtrap when I'm trying to reallocate a custom array.
The thing is, that p->m and p->car already contain data. If I try to work with it in the initial par...

I'm receiving sigtrap when I'm trying to reallocate a custom array.
I have customized the following structure: [code]typedef struct { char *name, number[8]; flo...

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