Faster than light Neutrino.[quote]Well, this function f(x)=sqrt((sin(x/40075.017*2*pi)*6378.1)^2+((1-cos(x/40075.017*2*pi))*637...
Faster than light Neutrino. [quote]helios (9297) Nov 22, 2011 at 6:07am Wouldn’t genuine knowledge require that he knows wha...
Faster than light Neutrino.@helios A lot of people, maybe the majority of people in Western culture, rationalize their being w...
How to Know if You Have Real Programming Potential?Thanks, everybody, for the insight. I'm still reading up on some of the articles. Basically I'm rea...
Faster than light Neutrino.@Catfish No, I get paid by the number of exasperated responses elicited by anyone with the nickname...
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