User: vcottom

  • Public profile

User profile: vcottom

User info
User name:vcottom
Name:Van W Cottom
Location:United States
Bio:You are reading about a man of 60+ that by all means should have been dead 12 years ago. Stage 4 - Terminal in 2 to 6 months. Lung Cancer spread to the brain.
A great doctor and a very loving God and I'm still kicking.
I have had college classes in several including BASIC & VISUAL BASIC, C AND C++, and COBOL which is where most my programming experience is at. I am wanting to re-learn the C++ mostly for personal satisfaction.
Today I am a Christian Chaplain work part-time in Healthcare.
Number of posts:1
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Starting Over
I'm an old COBOL coder, retired for medical reasons, cancer, have had chemo and radiation, and have ...

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