User: underfree22

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User profile: underfree22

User info
User name:underfree22
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Compare two lines of arrays and return the elements that are in the first, but not the second
So i have 2 lines of arrays. First line is M, second line is N. On the first line the user inputs 2 ...

Need help creating a conversion function
So i have the following classes: [code] class Person { public: Person(string n, int a) { ...

Need help with writing content of file to vector using new() and inheritance
[code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #inclu...

Having trouble reading content from to txt files and writing to a third. Using vectors
Tell my about it. I'm a second year college student in a private univ in my country (the most expenc...

Having trouble reading content from to txt files and writing to a third. Using vectors
Alright. So here's an example of the first file: CITB201 80 40-1 CSCC203 70 40-2 CCBT101 4 55-1 ... ...

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