User: tyeung

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User profile: tyeung

User info
User name:tyeung
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Issue with \n in output
I will give setlocale a try. If that doesn't work maybe i will try to do it on other computer. Th...

Issue with \n in output
i am using: -windows server 2008 -win32 -visual studio -english i did a chcp in cmd and it sh...

Issue with \n in output
Actually i think the extended ASCII character is being displayed. How do i fix that? Thanks.

Issue with \n in output
Im not sure. But the output is basically: testing <a music note for \><0 with inverted background...

Issue with \n in output
Hello. I have the following debug statement in my code: [code] #ifdef printf("testing \n") #...

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