more flicker with owner draw button and backbuffer, help please?thanks. i added case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: SetBkMode( (HDC)wParam, TRANSPARENT); return (LRESULT) Get...
more flicker with owner draw button and backbuffer, help please?hi all, i'm having trouble with flicker and an owner draw button. in the debugger i see the WM_PAI...
using a backbuffer but still getting flickerfinally got time to try a few things. silly me had SRCAND in the orig when BitBlt'ng to the main scr...
using a backbuffer but still getting flickeryes i understand that thanks Thomas. unfortunately in my orig posted prog if i didn't include that t...
using a backbuffer but still getting flickermind you i still don't fully understand one crucial thing. when i commented out the FillRect ( hDC1....
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