User: togikan

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User profile: togikan

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User name:togikan
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Install error 1920 about winsxs merge modules
Hi all, When I try to insltall my msi package I get an error only in vista and 7. "Error 1920. S...

How to handle “.. failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges..
Hi kbw & Vexer, @Vexer Because that is the software I wrote name isn't important here too much...

How to handle “.. failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges..
Hello all, When I try to install my software it gives the error "Error 1920. Service ... (...) fa...

Converting inline assembler to .asm file
Hi all, I'm having a problem converting an inline assembler function to .asm file. I need seperat...

Detecting Virtualization
Here is the code works for 32bit. bool IsInsideVMWare(void) { bool rc = true; __try ...

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