User profile: timadvancedtech

User info
User name:timadvancedtech
Name:Tim Ellsbury
Location:Oklahoma City, OK
Bio:Surrounded by computer whizzes, Tim Ellsbury has decided it is time to pursue a hobby in C++. Ultimately, his goal is to create a MUD either based on the Xanth novels or something akin to Wurm or perhaps even Second Life.

Tim is 31, married and has 2 children (ages 4 and 6). He is extremely interested in learning all there is to know about C++. Once a grasp on C++ is achieved, he would move on to other languages such a Java, Ruby, et al.

His purpose in creating this account was to ask for homework assignments based on his acquired knowledge throughout the day/week/month, etc. And, if one were so inclined, to grade it and give feedback based on structure, efficiency, etc.

Tim is currently grinding his way through C++ All In One Dummies and is in the basic stages of it all.

Tim has taken a C++ class in college, but was unable to see his way through the fog of marijuana smoke and beer bottles, so much of that knowledge has been lost in a resin-filled brain stem. It is slowly coming back, but that was over 10 years ago.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Mar 1, 1982
Number of posts:2
Latest posts:

Homework Assignments
Thank you very much for that. Very useful stuff. Much appreciated!

Homework Assignments
I am reaching out to anyone willing to dedicate a bit of time to helping me learn C++. I realize tha...