User: theguy1991

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User profile: theguy1991

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User name:theguy1991
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Compile error on project. Expected initializer before 'sizeOfArray'
Thanks for pointing that out, but now its giving me a whole new slew of errors. Line 40: [Error] 's...

Compile error on project. Expected initializer before 'sizeOfArray'
I've been working on a project. I have to find the mean and median of an array. I cannot get my code...

Need help finding mean with function.

Need help finding mean with function.
Now i'm getting the error:Line 16 [Error] invalid conversion from 'int*' to 'int' [-fpermissive] [...

Need help finding mean with function.
[quote]// can not define size of array by variable, It must be a const value or enum may work.[/quot...

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