User: tehrealbinglebob

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User profile: tehrealbinglebob

User info
User name:tehrealbinglebob
Number of posts:38
Latest posts:

Saving and Loading from a text file
I was just working on the code and I worked it out with a bit more research of this site. Heres my c...

Saving and Loading from a text file
I was using the example code that is on this site: [code]// print the content of a text file. #inc...

Decryption code
Alright. I may just drop this project for now seeing as its way to difficult for me to be starting w...

Decryption code
@ne555 No. I want a to turn into Z2, b to turn into B3. I have a list of randomized letter number co...

Decryption code
Sorry guys I have to go to bed and I was writing an English essay. I'll have to look over what you'v...

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