User: tdigdug

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User profile: tdigdug

User info
User name:tdigdug
Bio:US Navy 15 done 5 more to go till I retire from the navy.
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dev c++
Number of posts:36
Latest posts:

I know where the problem is just dont know how to fix it.{still in need}
Yes the sort does work. I ve used those sorts in previous programs and they work fine. the problem i...

I know where the problem is just dont know how to fix it.{still in need}
The problem is not in the sort. Yes the sort works I know I ve used it before. The problem is Its no...

I know where the problem is just dont know how to fix it.{still in need}
I ve tried it still no joy. here is the code. Anyone else have any idea. [code]#include<iostream> ...

I know where the problem is just dont know how to fix it.{still in need}
This is a sort i use in a previous program using struct instead of class. I'm trying to sort the dat...

I know where the problem is just dont know how to fix it.{still in need}
here is an update on where I stand. Im trying to get the each class data sorted first before I imple...

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