User: taymaxi

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User profile: taymaxi

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User name:taymaxi
Number of posts:6
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Function only returns true, why?!
NEVERMIND. [code]int binarySearch(PhoneEntry &keyP, const vector<PhoneEntry> &entryNames) { int ...

Function only returns true, why?!
Ohhhhh my goodness, I feel stupid. THANK YOU! The search now works to find most searched-for entr...

Function only returns true, why?!
I have a break function at line 10 in the binarySearch function. I declare mid as (low + high)/2 an...

Function only returns true, why?!
I'm trying to perform a binary search on a sorted vector for a homework assignment, but it's not wor...

Error: no operator "==" matches these operands
I don't think's the class declaration for PhoneEntry (if that helps at all) [code]class P...

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