User: targt123

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User profile: targt123

User info
User name:targt123
Number of posts:30
Latest posts:

can't see header file
Thanks, It works now, just another question: [code]int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANC...

can't see header file
I get the following error on compilation: [code]warning C4627: '#include "sysmets.h"': skipped when...

problem creating a process
Thanks webJose. I found that I needed double slashes for it to work: C:\\Program Files\\Internet Exp...

problem creating a process
I am trying to learn how to create a new process using CreateProcess. I found some code online and i...

DOS output different from file
I wrote a program to convert a string of 0 and 1's to char and write to a file and then read back fr...

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