User: tahanaqvi

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User profile: tahanaqvi

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User name:tahanaqvi
Number of posts:25
Latest posts:

how to change position of sphere in opengl
Hi experts, i am new in opengl c++. i am making a sphere using glusphere function and the problem i...

please ..take out the logical error in this simple overloading program..
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class studentmarks { priv...

please ..take out the logical error in this program..
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class studentmarks { priv...

Hii experts.. i want suggestions..
i am yet a beginner. i have an assignment in my oop class in which i have to make a social networkin...

hii experts ..
Can anyone tell me what are the other names used for aggregation? and what are three layers of aggre...

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