User: t009

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User profile: t009

User info
User name:t009
Joined:Jun 1, 2018 at 9:26pm
Number of posts:23
Latest posts:

Can't find documentation of ": " in for(... : ...)
This is my first encounter with it [code] //points is a vector for(int p: points) ost<<....<<...

Ctrl+Z causing double entry in while(cin)
Using ctrl+z to exit a while loop causes the loop to record the last value twice into my vector. Any...

Overloadig operator on a class
Taken from this websites example on classesII. [code] // overloading operators example #include...

Does passing (ostream &os) to print a simple object like an array add any value?
Whyuse void printa(ostream &os,int *Array) instead of just printa(int *Array) which does the exact s...

Loop W/integer counter
You set the value *ip to 2401 before you started the loop. If you want *ip to count to end at 110, y...

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