User: svexo

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User profile: svexo

User info
User name:svexo
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Window Mangement
[i]How Do you Change the Height And Width of an extern aplication. from c++ for example: youre br...

a C# Question :O
[quote] LOL! [/quote] ? :O

a C# Question :O
Hello , I dont know a good forum for c# so i ask it here ^^ I made a program and it almost...

fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
[quote] So you're mixing managed and native code? Ummmm...I've never seen code like this...can you ...

fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
Hello , Ive made a litle program with the process class but can't solve the following erros : ...

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