User profile: sunny100489

User info
User name:sunny100489
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Reading from txt file as 2D vector
Hi everyone, I'm confused if whether or not the following is possible... I have a .txt file ...

Writing to a .dat file
I am trying to write a list to a .dat file, something like: 12; John Smith; 1000 35; Adam Smith;...

Using push_back for entering values into vector
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!! I realized when I ran the program, I was entering the coe...

Using push_back for entering values into vector
Hmm I am now currently trying a do-while loop instead but not sure ... [code] vector<double> coeff...

Using push_back for entering values into vector
Hi, I'm trying to input double values into vector but am running into trouble. When I use t...