User profile: starterpack6100

User info
User name:starterpack6100
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

FEEDBACK PLZ, basic code assignment
I know this is a C++ forum but i thought you guys might be able to help or give any feedback on this...

help much needed on TEMP assingment (ANY FEEDBACK IS GOOD FEEDBACK)
I know step 3 looks pretty funky, and i know how to do while loops but i dont understand calling the...

help much needed on TEMP assingment (ANY FEEDBACK IS GOOD FEEDBACK)
This assignment is pretty confusing just because it has a lot of steps and i'm pretty lost on what i...

please help with simple code any feedback is good.
I am kinda off with this certain code and can not figure out what im doing wrong any feedback helps....

help needed on Easy temperature program.
Thank you so much Andy i have been struggling with this program for like 4 days. Do you suggest i u...