User: starface245

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User profile: starface245

User info
User name:starface245
Number of posts:25
Latest posts:

code translation
In putty ssh.c source code line 5645 s->K = dh_find_K(ssh->kex_ctx, s->f); Can someone explain...

print address
I wrote a program to search for "f0e1d2c3" hex in a file. How do I get the address of it? I use %x...

editing values in the windows registery
I used RegOpenKeyEx to get to the location I want to change my values in the registry. I am stuck ...

Import one dll to another dll
Do I do the pragma comment(lib, user32.lib) OR properties -> linker->input->additional dependencie...

Import one dll to another dll
^ how do I try my user32.ll to import the real user32.dll? On another note, I know loadlibrary and ...

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