User: speci4lzero

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User profile: speci4lzero

User info
User name:speci4lzero
Location:New York
Bio:I'm just trying to be happy.
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

my ascii art program is showing the wrong chars
I solved it! The struct I defined was needless and caused all the problems. [code]//---------------...

my ascii art program is showing the wrong chars
Here's what I wrote after line 13: [code]stxx.s[stxx.cMAX] = { 0 };[/code] Here's lines 60 to 87 o...

my ascii art program is showing the wrong chars
both architectures here [code][/code] one source code: [code...

New and need help with strings
I've been working on this subnet calculator for the past few days. Hopefully I didn't piss anyone of...

New and need help with strings
I tried initializing S to [30] and nhs is containing the value I want now. Deciding how the calcula...

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