User: sowa

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User profile: sowa

User info
User name:sowa
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler
I made it this way: 1) implib sqlite.lib sqlite.dll -->no errors, sqlite.lib was created 2) bcc32 -...

Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler
Is it possible to link a dll-module to a program with that compiler? I was trying to link a small da...

passing command line arguments to target while debugging
I tried [b]< filename[/b] in a DOS-Box of Windows. It worked fine. The application read the data fro...

passing command line arguments to target while debugging
Yes, thank you, now it works fine. But another question emerges: I would like to pass the input d...

passing command line arguments to target while debugging
I'm using Code::Blocks 8.02 for Windows. I can't work out how to pass command line arguments to the ...

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