User: sniperx

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User profile: sniperx

User info
User name:sniperx
Joined:May 21, 2008 at 11:24pm
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

How to write the filename with date and time as Filename
Thanks for the info, Does it mean i need to put my XXX.txt name as string? Because I am aiming...

Calling an executable file within the C++ code and display files
Here is a MUCH MORE SIMPLER method char child1[] = "TARGET.exe"; char child2[4]; system (c...

How to write the filename with date and time as Filename
I am trying to generate some files depends on the time of creation (execution) I got the time sta...

Calling an executable file within the C++ code and display files
Thanks so much I will try to get them working now.. will reply here asap when i get the result

Calling an executable file within the C++ code and display files
Hi Duoas here is the error of the code you told me to compile: testM.cpp:1:21: error: process....

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