User: snc413

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User profile: snc413

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User name:snc413
Number of posts:7
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Why it is not reading the checking interest and checking fee except for saving fee and interest fee???/
# include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int accountnumber, saving_minimum_bal...

How come my solution only multiples 0.4 not 0.5?Under AccountType 'C' or AccountType'c'
// Steven Cruz // Assignment #3 pg 227 #11 // IT 1004-01 // March,23,2011 # include <iostream>...

Help I need help for this program?Am I doing the program correctly?
the bank offer two types of account saving and checking.Every customer must maintain a minimum balan...

W32 program problem? Native' has exited with code 0
# include <iostream> # include <string> # include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () ...

The variable 'number' is being used without being initialized?
and the command prompt vanish less than a second and it states The program '[1060] march_19.exe: Nat...

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