User: sloumanaw

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User profile: sloumanaw

User info
User name:sloumanaw
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

error connexion with NIC card using winpcap
Hello, i'am developping an application with Visual C++ 2010 on windows 7, i want to sent packets ...

envoie de plusieurs paquets Ethernet simultanément
no,i meant a code for receiving packets with winpcap and passing them from data link layer to applic...

envoie de plusieurs paquets Ethernet simultanément
hello kfmfe04, have you,please, a link for a code of receiving packets from Ethernet card with winp...

sending many packets Ethernet simultaniously
ok thanks for your advices kbw :)

sending many packets Ethernet simultaniously
i didn't understand your solution :( i don't use interfaces for this moment in my application,i'm w...

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