User: sleet65

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User profile: sleet65

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User name:sleet65
Number of posts:17
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do while + while = hang?
Thank you! that finally got me out of the loop.. but sadly, its still not doing what i want... sniff...

do while + while = hang?
im still having the same prob..any other suggestions?

do while + while = hang?
[code]void Product::Delete() { Product del, infos; bool found = false; fstream file("...

do while + while = hang?
Hi.. can someone help me out? is it possible to have a while loop within a do..while loop? because i...

My do-while loop won't terminate the command why?[HELP]
[quote][code]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ { Start: int n,m; char re; cout<<"Z...

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