User: skinnygod

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User profile: skinnygod

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User name:skinnygod
Number of posts:5
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Just need to see if in the right direction.
Hi again, Is there a way to stop this loop after each word is spell checked and converted to lower ...

Just need to see if in the right direction.
That was helpful, I do prefer using the for as I see what you're saying, so in order to make sure I ...

Just need to see if in the right direction.
Ok so for the checkSpelling function this is what I have so far for the basic checking of it. I am n...

Just need to see if in the right direction.
Thank you!!! that really cleared up the idea of the spell check I was looking for something in simpl...

Just need to see if in the right direction.
Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me with my program. I am tasked with writing a spell chec...

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