User: skadush

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User profile: skadush

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User name:skadush
Number of posts:41
Latest posts:

VS C++ project templates
Hello. Can you give me me a very simple source for changing the name? Like for example printing "Hel...

VS C++ project templates
I really want to learn how to make a project template for c++. That way I dont have to waste time ed...

2D array of objects without double pointer
im not really sure whats going on but why does your every reply got reported? Did you just report yo...

2D array of objects without double pointer
This is the game entity class [code]class GameEntity { public: GameEntity(sf::Vector2f position, s...

2D array of objects without double pointer
Thanks for the tip but still cant figure out how to initiate a custom class in a 2D array with param...

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