User: seyidi

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User profile: seyidi

User info
User name:seyidi
Number of posts:7
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Data in Database/DB Connection
Id Name Parameter --- ---- --------- 001 Martin 98566 002 Mike 98655 003 Thomas 45687 Id JobI...

Data in Database
Id Name Parameter --- ---- --------- 001 Martin 98566 ...

String convert in Date
Hallo, I tryed but it is still not working Hier is my code: [code] inf="27 December 1999"...

CString convert in Date
The Problem ist , I have a string ([CPLM]......27.12.1999), and I want to get 27.12.1999 from this ...

String convert in Date
Hello Everybody, I have a CString and it is like "[CPLM]......27.12.1999" and I would like to conve...

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