User: seerex

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User profile: seerex

User info
User name:seerex
Number of posts:20
Latest posts:

C++ and apples SDK?
Thanks a lot for your answers. I already have a book teaching me objective C, but will i have a smoo...

Evaluate my console RPG! :)
thank u for ur post Acr, i will keep it so i can read it for future reference, but as Veltas states,...

C++ and apples SDK?
is objective c very far from c++? i mean, for all they contain a "c" both of em ;) an action-base...

Evaluate my console RPG! :)
Thank you mate, i am reading about functions as we speak :) i just thought that posting some of my t...

Evaluate my console RPG! :)
Hi all, i just wrote this RPG game test, it took me about 30 min or more :) I also have a little ...

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