User: secret

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User profile: secret

User info
User name:secret
Name:Tshiphiri Secret Munyai
Location:south africa
Bio:a first year computer science student in the university of limpopo , turfloop campus
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

how to store names using array C++
k i haveto give it a try

Got to next line from current line position in a file
halla to capture every thing in a line ,yo need to include '\n' when capturing tha string see w...

how to store names using array C++
i was trying to store name and in formation about an employee on an array that i will need at some t...

how to creat a table using c++
[code] // modify showpoint flag #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { signed i...

how to creat a table using c++
i have written a program that when three integer is entered , it print their sum , product , average...

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