User: seatea

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User profile: seatea

User info
User name:seatea
Number of posts:37
Latest posts:

Problem with reading from file
I got it working! Thanks anyway!

Problem with reading from file
The layout of the file is what I wrote, the file looks like this: Handy Andy 12345 12345-1 Transact...

Problem with reading from file
Hello! I have some troubles reading from a file! The file I want to read looks something like this:...

Some guidance with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
Ok, I'm just dumb. I had a destructor that was just deleting the song vector everytime program ran. ...

Some guidance with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
[quote]I think the problem code is elsewhere (in code you haven't posted.) 0xC0000005 = Access Viol...

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