User: samcro

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User profile: samcro

User info
User name:samcro
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Insurance Premium Calculator
C++ I'm tasked with an assignment to create an insurance premium calculator. I have built my code s...

For loop to calculate an amount for a certain month period
According to the instructions,the user can enter a number of months and proceed to calculate the bel...

Flipping a boolean value upon user entry
Got it! Thank you so much Jonnin! You are a life saver :)

Flipping a boolean value upon user entry
I don't get it. I'm sorry, I'm a beginner at this subject so if you can elaborate I really appreciat...

Flipping a boolean value upon user entry
Hi all, I would like to know the best way to flip a boolean value to true from false. It is regardin...

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