User: safoex

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User profile: safoex

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User name:safoex
Number of posts:7
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Shortest code a+b
Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 full name and surname:)

Shortest code a+b
' ' and '\t' and '\n' willn't be counted about fstream : not works:( so, we need to save about 45 ch...

Shortest code a+b
Catfish2, it's a usual testing system and I forget about I should use standard headers only. So, sum...

Shortest code a+b
It could be not incorrect but believe me, I used it more than once! MS VC++ supports it.(of course i...

Shortest code a+b
but it willn't be [b] Me [/b], it will be [b]testing system[/b]:( 1.we have 2 files (input.txt and o...

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