User: sadsack

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User profile: sadsack

User info
User name:sadsack
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

TXT file reader: I can't see the problem
I tryed to get this code to work, but I can't. I am using VC++6. [code] include <iostream> #in...

I know this is alot to ask
I don't know, I just got thr code of the web. I am very new to C++ so i don't know SH**. renny E...

I know this is alot to ask
I would like to get this code to work. here the error: LIBCD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: u...

some one to talk to
Hello, I will have some code soon, I am going use txt file for my chatbot brain. I will have a w...

Very simply reading in data :-) ......then into a vector
That works good, is there a way where you could just read one line in the file or five lines or as m...

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