User: s0u1k33p3r

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User profile: s0u1k33p3r

User info
User name:s0u1k33p3r
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

conversion from ' ' to non-scalar type ' ' request
I managed to solve the issue by myself but just to answer your question, accounts is of type Account...

conversion from ' ' to non-scalar type ' ' request
I'm currently getting 21 C:\Users\Endre\Documents\CISC 3110\Chapter 7\hw#3\Bank.cpp conversion from ...

Linker Error: Unidentified Reference to...
I'm currently in the process of modifying a program for class but I'm getting a linker error. [Li...

Different words in file
Ah, I see. I managed to figure out how to work it before you made the post but thanks anyways =].

Different words in file
Still gives me an error. I think the problem is trying to use either a string in a for loop since af...

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