User: rsh0117

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User profile: rsh0117

User info
User name:rsh0117
Number of posts:50
Latest posts:

Eratosthenes' sieve
hey buddy...yea, would it bother you to not give an answer that comes off as a little snarky. All I ...

Eratosthenes' sieve
How would I go about programming a sieve that: Print out the number of primes between 2 and 40,00...

Integer to Binary
cameron, [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void decToBin (int, int); int main() { ...

Integer to Binary
got it!! Peter87, thank you for walking me through what I was doing wrong not just giving me the cod...

Integer to Binary
Well I don't know what to do cuz I changed it to a while loop and it gave me this 36 -2 6 Enter a...

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