User: roxmate

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User profile: roxmate

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User name:roxmate
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

How to make a program that presses a key after a certain amount of time?
well im no pro in C++ programming, in fact im still learning, but i think you should use some sort o...

Tutorial Books- which one, and the best way forward?
well Right now i am reading a book in pdf called C++ a beguinner's guide second edition by Hebert sc...

what is the best way to prompt the user again after some conditions have met
oh... well i thought that might have been a good idea, yeh but i see the point of not using goto in ...

what is the best way to prompt the user again after some conditions have met
thank you, but i think i have figured out how to do it, i used a flag on the line of code i wanted t...

what is the best way to prompt the user again after some conditions have met
Here is a simple drinks machine programm. It basically consists in the user selecting a drink that i...

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