User: rompecabezas

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User profile: rompecabezas

User info
User name:rompecabezas
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

message box handle problem
When quitting a window "Tools", I ask the user if he's sure to do it. If he is, no problem, but if h...

changing ios_base flags upon condition
i have the string <myValue> which i want with a determined precision <prec>. i do: double val; v...

precision on scientific notation
YEAH, buffbill, i want to do exactly that ".precision()", but i do not want to display it, i want to...

precision on scientific notation
i wanna change the precision of a number in scientific notation. e.g.: i have 3.459560456e-3 and i w...

hide the console
thnx but then i cannot compile!!! [Linker Error] Unresolved external '_main' referenced from C:\P...

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