User: rodrigoloc

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User profile: rodrigoloc

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User name:rodrigoloc
Number of posts:11
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ifstream as argument without reference
Fixed! Thank you. The error was that Blender's text export format wasn't compatible enough with Wind...

ifstream as argument without reference
It keeps printing the same. [code] cout << streamoff(InFile.tellg()) << endl; [/code]

ifstream as argument without reference
That prints the same because streampos can be perfectly casted to streamoff. But adding these two l...

ifstream as argument without reference
[code] ifstream InFile(strFilename); if (InFile) { // ... while (InFile) { stri...

ifstream as argument without reference
I did something like JLBorges but using istream::tellg and istream::seekg. Like this: [code] void f...

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