User: rodentMinn

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User profile: rodentMinn

User info
User name:rodentMinn
Name:Kelly Young
Location:Seattle area
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Segmentation fault with empty string
dhayden, that was it! In the Node(T item) function, I initialized the pNext and pPrev variables as N...

Segmentation fault with empty string
The functions for my list class [code] /******************************************* * LIST :: COPY ...

Segmentation fault with empty string
My list class is huge, and can't fit in one post. Here it is nonetheless. [code] #include <cassert> ...

Segmentation fault with empty string
Because of the massive size of the code that this goes through, I'll have to make multiple posts. P...

Segmentation fault with empty string
Hey icy1, I tried doing what you recommended, and I still get a segfault at that same line. There wa...

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