User: robofighter

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User profile: robofighter

User info
User name:robofighter
Joined:May 14, 2012 at 4:33pm
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Windows and ncurses
I am creating a text game using c++ and ncurses. Is there anyway to get ncurses to work on window...

array of polymorphism classes
I am making a program that has an different classes that share the same ancestor class. I have them ...

How do I make a set of classes.
I developing a text-game, and one of the problems I foresee is how do I make a set of a user-defined...

MAC programming forums
Mac and Linux-based OS use very different libraries for many functionality. For examples on a Linux ...

How can I download part of this website.
I looked at the one already, and got the devhelp verison of it. However, that problem of that one i...

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