User: roblf

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User profile: roblf

User info
User name:roblf
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Trying to override streambuf to use with cout
Thanks Zaita!

Trying to override streambuf to use with cout
Thanks Zaita, that way makes a lot more sense! Although I'm guessing line 13 should have been [code...

Trying to override streambuf to use with cout
I'm not quite sure how a strstream will help me, but I'm not that experienced with C++ streams, coul...

Trying to override streambuf to use with cout
Thanks for the reply Zaita. Unfortunatley that doesn't work, I get a "no matching function call" er...

Trying to override streambuf to use with cout
Hi, I'm trying to grab all the input sent to cout to modify and redirect it. I used the example ...

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