User profile: robezy

User info
User name:robezy
Name:Robert George
Number of posts:37
Latest posts:

how to get map datastructure elements in the order of insertion
Hi, I'm writing a program to find the first no-repeated character in a string. My idea was to scan ...

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token

Doubt about stack with head and tail pointers.
I guess, I found the answer. [code]delete tail;[/code] will not work. it is giving following error. ...

Doubt about stack with head and tail pointers.
Hi, I have a stack with head and tail pointer. My destructor is as given below. [code] Stack:...

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
Thanks for that tip. Can you tell why I get following error [quote] stack.c++:11: error: ISO C+...