User: reshtheory

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User profile: reshtheory

User info
User name:reshtheory
Name:Rehan S
Location:New York City
Website:http://One day I will...
Bio:I'm a 26 year old kid that is just beginning his path towards professional success. The nightmare is over and in the past, and I am back and ready to learn about stuff I love. Programming always interested me. I mean, I was an AP Calculus Student and my teacher would always show me cool things. I never understood but I was amazed. I am TRULY a beginner. I need help in this. Nice to meet you all.
Number of posts:2
Latest posts:

Progamming Principles and Practice Using C++ Book and Question
Oh man. Thank you so much. I am going to change compilers and keep on studying! :D

Progamming Principles and Practice Using C++ Book and Question
I am currently using the book, Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ and it is great. It is ...

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