User: remojr76

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User profile: remojr76

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User name:remojr76
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Could someone answer a couple of questions about this code?
First, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for being so helpful. Second, you are all very intellig...

Could someone answer a couple of questions about this code?
So another question for you MathHead; when declaring/creating a variable like this, would you then,(...

Could someone answer a couple of questions about this code?
I got this program to work by "copy catting" some similiar programs, but I want to understand exactl...

Is there a difference between Declaring a variable these 2 ways
I was wondering if this is basically the same thing? Or is one declaring x and the othe intializing...

You can laugh at me but.....
I am brand new to learning C++. I was hoping that anyone that was willing to compare these two sets...

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