User: rdunning98

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User profile: rdunning98

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User name:rdunning98
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

using the positions of odd numbers in one array to determine which numbers to add in another
[quote]Isn't this at least third thread about the same program/problem? Previously[/quote] yes there...

using the positions of odd numbers in one array to determine which numbers to add in another
hello im trying to make a programme that takes 2 numbers and uses russian arithemetic (diplplaying e...

for loop help
nvm you were right I have made the changes and it is now outputting the correct number thank you so ...

for loop help
[quote]counter is wrong because the loop runs once more when tempnumber1 is exactly equal to 1. Subt...

for loop help
hello I'm working on an assessment where I have to implement Russian arithmetic into a programme out...

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