User: rana110

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User profile: rana110

User info
User name:rana110
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

need help in top-k word frequent algorithm
oh my God ,,and all that with C++

Help with Polynomial assignment
wow !! thank you fun2code for replying ,,,it's a smart code I think I'll need a hundred years to be ...

Help with Polynomial assignment
it was really helpfull ,, so now I'm thinking to make class "term" which : term((double coef, int ex...

Help with Polynomial assignment
thanks Mathhead200 for replying ,,,,to be honest I did'nt understand what you just said,,,, but in ...

Help with Polynomial assignment
is my code right or not?? [code]#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; #i...

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