User: qwerty1

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User profile: qwerty1

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User name:qwerty1
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Removing values from Array
A program I am working on requires that I removed zeroed-out values (along with their indices) from ...

Windows Programming Noob - New datatypes?
That makes sense. Thanks for the links.. bookmarked as well. Definitely have some homework to sort t...

Windows Programming Noob - New datatypes?
Thanks! that link was really helpful! * add to favorites * ;) So here's what Im thinking..please...

Windows Programming Noob - New datatypes?
Ill pick that up, thanks! btw, your name doesnt happen to be Charles Petzolds, does it? ;)

Windows Programming Noob - New datatypes?
cool. Thanks, that makes sense. got one more if you dont mind. what does "[b]&[/b]" mean in C++ ...

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