User: qazwsx

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User profile: qazwsx

User info
User name:qazwsx
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

seekg() not working properly, sets the pointer in wrong places.
Ok, thanks for the tip, however, it's still problematic. If i open these two files using ios_base::b...

seekg() not working properly, sets the pointer in wrong places.
So, here's the code that shows what my current problem is. [code] ofstream t;

Incorrect makefile - can't launch an action.
Well, although i understand what you've said there, guestgulkan, i still don't know how to make that...

Incorrect makefile - can't launch an action.
But then, there's a problem. There is no place for 'make debug' here. And it can be made using one o...

Incorrect makefile - can't launch an action.
Ok, so, with debug target, well... i said that in the first post. To be able to use it as a preproce...

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