User: purefan

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User profile: purefan

User info
User name:purefan
Name:Miguel Espinoza
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Simple websocket chat client
Hello! I am trying to write a simple websocket chat client. It should take input from the user an...

Interact with another program
Thank you both for very useful replies and for your time :) The tutorial posted by JLBorges seems to...

Interact with another program
Hello everyone, I am in need to write a program that will interact with another program, the proj...

strcmp(std::string, const char*) error
Thanks all! In the end this did the trick: [code] if ( (std::isdigit(sMove[iPos]) || (sMove[iPos] =...

Make Program Able To Read Name
I imagined there would be errors.. :$ Im also a noob at this but a seasoned programmer in other lang...

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